Congratulations to Zeptagram for the Tehnology innovator award Best Music Rights Trading Platform 2020!


On the picture: CEO and founder Christina Löwerström and co founder Johan Löwenström 

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Nyhetens sammanfattning: 

Vi gratulerar Zeptagram för the Tehnology innovator award Best Music Rights Trading Platform 2020!

Corporate vision är en digital plattform för att stötta och guida bättre affärsmetoder och ger företag genom detta pris erkännande för bra innovationer inom sitt område. Nu har Zeptagram vunnit detta presigefulla pris.

Zeptagrams VD Christina Löwenström kommenterar:

"Zeptagram är en idé som mött mycket motstånd och skapats ur samarbeten runtom i världen med många duktiga människor. Det känns som ett kvitto på att vår idé kunde översättas till en innovation och nu ska vi sikta på att sprida den som en produkt och tjänst. Grattis till alla som gjort det möjligt!

Tack till GU Ventures, Sukesh Tedla Kumar, Andreas Albertsson, Richard Rydell och många fler för supporten!"

Resterande pressmeddelande följer på engelska: 


Congratulations to Zeptagram for the Tehnology innovator award Best Music Rights Trading Platform 2020!

Corporate vision is a digital platform to support and guide better business practices and recognizes through this award companies for doing really good things in their field. Now Zeptagram has won this prestigious award.

Christina Löwenström, CEO of Zeptagram, comments:

"Zeptagram is an idea that has met a lot of resistance and was created from collaborations around the world with many talented people. It feels like a proof that our idea could be translated into an innovation and now we will aim to spread it as a product and service. Congratulations to everyone who made it possible!

Thanks to GU Ventures, Sukesh Tedla Kumar, Andreas Albertsson, Richard Rydell and many more for the Support!. "

Excerpt from the article:

"In this digital age, taking control and ownership over something you have created is more important than ever before. Copyright and intellectual property rights are important for any creators, including music makers. In order to help protect their assets and monetize their music, a group of creators founded Zeptagram, a blockchain-based trading platform where owners of musical IP rights can tokenize their assets. Join us as we find out more about this fantastic platform. 

Tokenizing assets is a great way to ensure that you earn money from the successful use of music. For creators, it's an exceptional way to ensure that they are duly recognized for their hard work and brilliant creativity. Zeptagram offers that, pitching itself as a blockchain-based trading platform that was built by creators, for creators to tokenize their assets. The owner of a token earns the proportional part of all the income that a song generates when it is used in various formats, such as livestreams, films, or other such media. The distribution of that income is initiated smart contracts, but it all happens on the blockchain where data around who owns tokens is stored. Anytime a piece of music creates value, the funds it generates are shared amongst token holders."

Read the article in its interity here:

About Zeptagram:

Ready to revolutionize the music industry, Zeptagram is a trading platform based on blockchain technology. Working closely with artists and content creators all over the world we strive to offer the most lucrative platform for investment and trading of music rights. At Zeptagram you will find a team of highly experienced professionals who live and breathe Tech, Music and Finance with a global outlook. With over 50 years experience from fintech, the music industry, marketing and blockchain. Visit!