Welcome to the opening ceremony for the U-GOT KIES!

You are invited to the streamed opening ceremony of Gothenburg centre on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems (U-GOT KIES). The theme is: Creative Destruction through Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Science. The opening ceremony for the U-GOT KIES centre opens a dialogue on this theme, by exploring different views of how, why, and when innovation, entrepreneurship and science may promote economic and societal change. You can find information about speakers and panels at the registration link.

Date & time: Friday Oct 22, 11:15-12:30.

Venue: Online

Registration: Register at the latest on October 11. You will receive a link for the streaming the day before the event.

Register here

This is an open event, free of charge, and you are welcome to forward the invitation to others in your network that might find this interesting.

The opening ceremony will be streamed and recorded. The film will be published on the U-GOT KIES webpage: www.gu.se/en/u-gotkies

Society needs to change – but how can we promote such change through innovation, entrepreneurship and science? Our focus for the panels are how and why individuals and organizations can stimulate such change by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and science.

Moderator: Magnus Aronsson, Esbri

Opening Remarks

Torbjörn Lundh, Professor & Deputy Vice-Chancellor at University of Gothenburg

Maureen McKelvey, Professor in Industrial Economics and Management & Director, U-GOT KIES Centre, University of Gothenburg

Panel 1 Knowledge-intensive Innovation Ecosystem: Large companies’ perspectives

Anna Sandström, AstraZeneca. Director Science Policy and Relations Europe. Member of U-GOT KIES Societal Advisory Council

Guido Buenstorf, Professor in Economics, University of Kassel, Germany. Researcher. Previous VPP (Visiting Professor Program). Member of U-GOT KIES Centre Steering Committee

Stefan Christiernin, Volvo Cars, Director of External Research and Chairperson of the Strategic Knowledge & Research Committee. Member of U-GOT KIES Societal Advisory Council

Nathalie Lazaric, Professor in Economics, Université Côte d’Azur Sophia Antipolis, France; VPP. Member of U-GOT KIES Centre Steering Committee

Panel 2: Knowledge-intensive Innovation Ecosystem: Entrepreneurship

José González, Musician & songwriter. Member of U-GOT KIES Societal Advisory Council

Rögnvaldur Saemundsson, Professor in Industrial Engineering, University of Iceland. Researcher at University of Gothenburg. Member of U-GOT KIES Centre Steering Committee

Erik Gatenholm, Entrepreneur and co-founder of Cellink and Bico. Alumni of our Masters program “Innovation and Industrial Management”, Unit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, School of Business, Economics and Law

Astrid Heidmann Lassen, Associate Professor in Operations and Innovation Management, Aalborg University, Denmark. Previous VPP (Visiting Professor Program). Member of U-GOT KIES Centre Steering Committee

Concluding remarks jointly by:

Olof Zaring, Head of Host Department, Dept of Economy & Society

Per Cramér, Dean, School of Business, Economics and Law


Gothenburg centre on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems(U-GOT KIES) is a cross-faculty University of Gothenburg and international research centre. We focus on the dynamics of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems, and especially how and why they help create conditions for economic growth and impact the prosperity of societies. In terms of technologies and industries, we are particularly interested in innovation and entrepreneurship involving: Life sciences and medical innovation; Creative industries and sports; and Engineering including AI.

The U-GOT KIES centre has three goals:

1) Stimulate world-class research on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems

2) Impact graduate education in innovation and entrepreneurship

3) Promote societal impact and dialogue with society, on these topics

Read more on the U-GOT KIES website: 

Contact details:
Unit for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Department of Economy and Society
School of Business, Economics and Law
University of Gothenburg,
P.O. Box 625; 40530 Gothenburg,Sweden
Tel: +46-76 618 1442

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