SeaTwirl is granted a Japanese patent



GU Ventures sprider nyheter och information kring verksamheten, sina bolag, samt alumnibolag. 

Nyhetens sammanfattning på svenska: 

SeaTwirl har beviljats ett patent i Japan, som redan finns beviljat i Sverge, USA, Kina och övriga Europa. Det handlar om att vindturbinen är delbar.

Resterande följer på engelska:


SeaTwirl has been granted a patent for a divisible wind by turbine by the Japanese Patent Office. SeaTwirl has already been granted the same patent in Sweden, USA, China, and Europe.

The patent protects a solution where the wind turbine is divisible above and below the house that holds the generator and bearing, which means that the entire generator and bearing housing can be replaced just above the water surface. It reduces costs for both installation and maintenance and minimizes downtime.

SeaTwirl is working strategically to build a broad patent portfolio. By protecting technical solutions that make the wind turbines cheaper to build and maintain, the company strengthens its market position. The corresponding patent was approved in Sweden in 2017, in the US and China in 2019 and Europe in 2020. The notice from the Japanese Patent Office is dependent on SeaTwirl paying the required fees.

  • “Japan has great water depths and large cities along the coasts, which is an interesting market for our floating wind turbine, especially when Japan has set a goal of becoming CO2 neutral by 2050. To protect our ideas and technologies in the future, we put a lot of focus on our patent strategy. Our strong patent portfolio is one of our biggest assets”, says CEO Peter Laurits.


About SeaTwirl
SeaTwirl AB is a Swedish development company in wind power with the vision of becoming a leading player in the new and rapidly growing market for offshore floating wind power. SeaTwirl's unique floating wind turbine is simple and robust with few moving parts. This suits the conditions at sea and minimizes the need for maintenance, which leads to fewer downtimes and more operating hours. The company's first prototype installation was installed in the sea in 2015. The development is now taking place on the next full-scale unit with 1 MW of installed turbine power. Read more at: