Join Swedish Life Science Investor Meeting Nov 17 - 18


After last year’s success, Association of Life Science Incubators of Sweden brings back Swedish Life Science Investor meeting! The event brings together the best of Swedish life science companies and investors. Last year, the event managed over 200 meetings and several investments were made. For two days, companies within Pharma, Bio-tech, Med-tech, Diagnostics, Health-tech and Methods and Enabling technologies meet in one-to-one meetings with investors from all over the world.

Registration is open, click here 

About Association of Life Science Incubators of Sweden

The event is organized by the Association of Life Science Incubators of Sweden (ALIS), a collaboration between Sweden’s leading life science incubators – Medeon, SMILE, Sahlgrenska Science Park, LEAD, GU Ventures, KI Innovation, STING, Uppsala Innovation Centre and Umeå Biotech Incubator. ALIS works as a platform for the incubators to support the most promising life science start-ups, irrespective of where in Sweden they originate. ALIS’s activities include linking relevant experts and expertise with new companies,and providing forums where life science companies can meet national and international private equity firms.